Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Marine Collagen


What is Collagen?

Collagen is the constituting material for human the skin, bones, muscle tendon, cartilage and
blood vessels. Collagen is like a net full of small meshes in the bone. It firmly holds back calcium.
Without this net, replenishment of calcium will continue to be lost. To people who are in sports and
exercises, vigorous actions cause serious wear and tear of cartilage in the joints. Recovery within a
short period of time is not likely and damage could be permanent. Generally, after the age of 25,
the collagen in the body begins to erode gradually. Due to hormonal imbalance, loss of collagen
is many times more critical in women than men. As age advances, collagen fibers shrink in size,
elasticity of elastin decreases. The netlike structure in the skin formed by collagen interwoven with
elastin collapses, resulting in formation of wrinkles. This explains why replenishing collagen can
maintain youthfulness of the skin.

Collagen and Enhancement of the breasts

The effect of Collagen in the enhancement of the breasts is already well-known to people. The
breasts are primarily formed by connective and adipose tissues. To a great extent, a firm and full
breast depends on the support of connective tissues. Collagen is the major constituent of connective
tissues. “In connective tissues, collagen interweaves with polysaccharide protein to form a
netlike structure producing a certain mechanical strength which supports the body shape and

Collagen and Slimming 
Slimming involves burning of fats (catabolism). Hydrolyzed collagen can enhance as well as
extend the process of catabolism so that more fats will be burned to achieve the objective of
slimming. Furthermore, collagen’s function of cell repairing cells will consumes a large amount of
energy. This must be carried out during sleep. Hydrolyzed collagen thus taken, sleeping will reduce
body weight, realizing the dream of losing weight easily.

How to improve our health?

Muscles and joints
Activates and improves the functions of muscles and joints, while
resisting daily wear and resulting from the actions.

Bones and teeth 
Facilitates the formation of bones, strengthen bones & teeth,
strengthen bones & teeth, making it solid & elastic.

When of immune protein and collagen combine, the immune
system of human body will improve the immunity effectiveness
by more than a hundred times.

Blood vessel and heart 
Restores and strengthens walls blood vessels, enhance recovery
functionality of heart and effective function of anti-ageing.

Improves health of skin and skin tone. Makes skin more elastic,
reduces wrinkles.

Beautify hairs and nails 
Collagen is the main of hairs and nails. Rich collagen enhances the
growth and tone of hairs and nails.

Marine Collagen
Rejuvenationskin displays youthfulness, becomes moisturized and more elastic and you will look
younger within the first week. Fine lines and wrinkles will begin to disappear and deeper wrinkles
will recede within three weeks. The face will undergo a visible change to youthfulness.

Marine Collagen Hydrolysate is a protein solution rich in collagens and hydrolysates .Colostrum Premix contains unique combination of bioactive components, Essential amino acid,
various Vitamins and Minerals, Growth factors, Lactoferrin, Proline-polypeptide, Lysozyme and
Immunoglobulin G.

[Ingredients ]:Marine Collagen, Colostrum, Vanila Powder
[Recommended Dosage :1 Sachet per day

[Suitable for]
Prevents osteoporosis, cartilage wear and tear, joint pain, swollen and fragile joints, stiffness,
osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, other degenerative joint conditions; maintains cardiovascular
health, resolves skin aging promblems, such as: fine lines, wrinkles, dryness, cracked and
sagging skin, acne & large pores.

[Price ]:  RM138 (10 Sachets X 20 g ) 

Know as “The Essence of Bone & Skin” Collagen is truly “The Frame of Life”