Friday, 4 May 2012


Package 1:Marine Collagen (buy 2 free 1):(RM138X2)=RM276
*10sachets per box

3盒原价RM414 ~节省RM138
*3box original price is RM414~ NOW SAVE RM138

配套2:牛初乳( 买2送1 ):(RM138X2)=RM276
Package 2:IgG Pro (buy 2 free 1):(RM138X2)=RM276
*15 sachets per box

3盒原价RM414 ~节省RM138
*3box original price is RM414~ NOW SAVE RM138

Package 3: Blue Green Algae (buy big jar free small jar)RM188
*1000 tablets per big jar
*free small jar contain 200 tablers (worth RM48) 


配套4:养肾茶(买2送1):(RM 59.90X2)=RM119.8
Package 4:Yang Shen Cha(buy 2 free 1):(RM 59.90X2)=RM119.8
*15 tea bag per box

3盒原价RM179.70 ~节省RM59.90
*3 box original price is RM179.90~NOW SAVE RM59.90



NewCo养肾茶是在总结了我国”药食同源”养生理论和众多传统保健配方的基础上, 结合现代医学研究成果, 专门针对现代社会中不规律的生活饮食习惯所导致的多种肾健康问题. NewCo养肾茶不但能清除体内过渡堆积的过氧脂质. 自由基等”疲劳毒素”, 同时还能降低血压, 平衡血糖,增强机体免疫力, 提神醒脑, 解渴除劳, 延缓衰老的功效.

溶, 洗, 排, 养四步疗法,

1.饮用“NewCo养肾茶”3天后, 尿色清澈透明. 尿通路畅, 炎症基本消失.
2.饮用“NewCo养肾茶6天后, 尿频, 尿急, 尿痛, 血尿等症状明显改善, 排尿舒爽. 夜尿次数
明显减少. 腰膝酸软开始好转. 睡眠质量改善.
3.饮用“NewCo养肾茶”15天后, 尿蛋白由3个+降到1个+, 尿酸, 尿素氮, 尿胆原检验值趋
于正常. 肾功能开始修复. 便秘口臭消失.
4.饮用一个月, 全面清除肾毒素, 恢复肾功能, 祛斑养颜, 血压血脂趋于正常. 长期饮用, “肾
好, 疾病少! 肾好, 不易老!”“绿色养肾--将生命延长20年!


  1. 洗肾排毒
  2. 养肾强身
  3. 排石利水
  4. 清理尿路
  5. 清热抗炎
  6. 补虚益精
  7. 滋肾润肺
  8. 清肝明目


1.  打破了传统医学补肾壮阳的错误理论, 验证了肾脏健康是靠“养”而不是“补”的医学

2.  实现了人类最简单的养肾方法 -“养肾不要太复杂, 只喝NewCo养肾茶!”

3.  首个被美国引进进入美国市场的中草药养肾产品. 同时出口日本, 新加坡, 韩国,台湾, 香
港, 越南, 中东, 南非等国. 被国际友人称为:“肾脏养护专家!!”

4.  马来西亚首个男女皆宜的养肾精品. 男人养肾, 身强体健, 女人养肾, 靓丽容颜.

5.  马来西亚首个绿色养肾产品, 实现了“洗养结合, 标本兼治”适用于各类肾病病人及正常
人群保健长期饮用, 无任何毒副作用及不良反应.

6.  溶入并发展了东方几千年的茶文化, 并在全球首推“世界茶疗”方案, 实现了“喝茶, 养
肾, 强身”三位一体的市场空白. 在国际上掀起了一股“中药茶疗”的旋风.

7.  运用了目前国际上最先进的全自动加工生产包装技术, 保持了天然草药植物完整的有效
成分, 使人体对有效成分吸收得更快捷, 更全面, 更有效果.

~ 绿色洗肾养肾*方能百岁人身~

NewCo养肾茶的问世, 打破了传统的补肾壮阳疗法, 实行“溶肾垢, 洗肾毒, 排废物, 养肾
脏” 四步疗法以确保肾脏健康. 男人女人都有肾脏, 有肾脏就得养护:“男人养肾, 身强体
健, 女人养肾, 靓丽容颜”.

在美国富人当中, 很流行机械洗肾, 机械洗肾十分昂贵, 但他们深知“肾好, 疾病少, 肾好,
不易老”“绿色养肾, 百岁人生”的道理, 而NewCo养肾茶的洗肾排毒功能是绿色生态的,
且兼有养肾的功效, 即“洗养结合”, 对人体及肾脏无任何的副作用及不良反应. 所以美国
广泛流行养肾茶, 进行“溶, 洗, 排, 养”四位一体的的天然绿色洗肾养肾疗法.



猫须草, 又名肾茶, 肾草, 化石草, 猫须公, 产于南洋群岛, 马来西亚等国. 猫须草喜温暖湿润
的气候, 较耐阴, 生长适温为20-30摄氏度. 全世界约有5种, 我国也是培植最多猫须草的国家一.

上世纪中期, 医学专家发现在马来西亚的马六甲区域, 男女老少个个精神抖擞, 容颜焕发, 身
强体健, 很少生病, 这里的人均寿命比其它地区要高出很多, 且肾病患者更少, 本地医院很少
设有肾病专科, 连本国的医学专家都感到迷惑不解. 各国医学科研者也纷纷进入该区域进行

最后发现这里到处长有猫须草, 且家家户户, 男女老少生活中喜欢用这种草泡茶喝. 医学专
家遂对这种植物进行提取化验, 结果发现这种植物中含有丰富的硫酸钙, 未知有机酸的钙盐
和钾盐, 挥发油, 皂甙, 已糖, 乙醛酸, 内消旋肌醇, 酚酸, 黄酮类化合物, α-香树脂醇, β谷甾
醇, 胡萝卜甙等等成分. 研究显示它具有洗肾排毒, 清热去湿, 排石利水, 抗炎杀菌, 滋肺清肝
的功效. 且当地医生普遍把它应用于急慢性肾炎, 膀胱炎, 前列腺炎, 尿路感染, 尿路结石, 风

这发现一经公布, 引起了世界各国医学界的关注, 气候条件符合种植的国家纷纷引进猫须草
至国内种植. 中国南方部分地区也引进了, 但只引进了其中的一种, 且因气候原因在中国种

马来西亚肾脏病学会在政府大力支持下, 对猫须草进行了更为深入的研究与开发, 在猫须草
这一单方的基础上配以番石榴叶, 大车前草, 绿茶, 桑叶, 甜叶菊等多味草药, 以科学配伍, 精
心组方研制出了一种具有神奇效果的茶剂秘方, 得到马来西亚政府高度注重并鼓励农民用
心配植. 大大提高了单方猫须草的服用效果并把适用人群范围延申得更广. 产品一经问世,
就风靡了马来西亚及欧美各国, 在世界各国掀起了一股“绿色洗肾, 养肾”旋风. 在美国, 这
种“绿色生态洗肾, 养肾”方式正在替代昂贵的“机械洗肾”, 以前“机械洗肾”在美国只有那些有钱人才能享受, 而现在, 所有民众都能享用这种比机械洗肾更为安全有效的绿色生态洗肾, 养肾了.

TST生物制药集团在马来西亚政府大力扶持下, 与中国, 台湾, 新加坡和日本的国际生物公司
合作, 并得到全球多为著名全科中医教授的认同和鼎立支持, 成功推出“马来西亚养肾茶”,
在全球首次全面推广, 希望所有的老百姓也能享受到其神奇效果.



  • 洗肾养肾, 促进毒素排出, 作用于急慢性肾炎, 前列腺炎, 膀胱炎, 尿路感染, 脱发, 痛风,肾性水肿, 尿毒症人群.
  • 利尿抗炎, 泌尿器官炎症患者, 适用于尿路不畅, 尿路感染, 尿路炎症, 膀胱炎.
  • 增加肾血流量, 调整肾上腺激素, 恢复激活肾脏, 适用于糖尿病人.
  • 排尿异常的患者(如:尿频, 尿急, 尿痛, 尿不尽, 尿无力, 尿等待, 尿色异常, 尿有异味、蛋白尿).
  • 结石患者(如:肾结石, 膀胱结石, 尿道结石, 输尿管结石).
  • 肾功能不全所引起的其它疾病(如:经常腰膝酸软, 神疲体乏, 健忘耳鸣, 失眠, 口干口苦, 口里有尿味, 内分泌失调, 性功能低下).
  • 体内毒素淤积过多者, 如便秘口臭, 失眠多梦, 血脂, 血压偏高人群; 色斑, 粉刺, 老年班,皮肤粗糙, 瘙痒等.
  • 亚健康人群(如:欲定期排除肾内毒素, 清理尿路, 养肾, 护肾, 健肾).



[建议用量]: 每日饮用12包


[售价]:  RM59.90(15 X 2g ) 

Yang Shen Cha

Choose The Best Kidney Tea

NewCo Yang Shen cha is an herbal tea intended for kidney health, especially in people with impaired kidney function caused by unhealthy lifestyle and poor eating habits. It is formulated based on the theories of health preservation in traditional Chinese medicine and modern scientific research.NewCo Yang Shen cha not only clears fatigue toxins such as excess accumulation of oxidized fats and free radicals but also helps lower blood pressure, balance blood sugar, enhance immunity, refresh the mind, relieve fatigue and delay aging.

A four-step therapy of dissolving,
cleansing, expelling and nourishing

let you notice the effects:

1.  After 3 days, the urine becomes clear and transparent accompanied with smooth urination and
absence of inflammation.
2.  After 6 days, symptoms of frequent urination, urine urgency, dysuria and hematuria improve significantly;
less night urination; pain and soreness of the waist and knees reduces; sleep quality
3.  After 15 days, the protein in the urine decreases from 3+ to 1+ accompanied with normal levels of
uric acid, urea nitrogen and urobilinogen. Renal functions start to resume with the absence of
constipation and bad breath.
4.  After 1 month, renal toxin is cleared completely. Improved renal function helps facial spot removal
and normalizes levels of blood pressure and blood fats.
5.  Long-term consumption invigorates the kidneys for youthfulness, less disease and extended life by
around 20 extra years.

8 health benefits of NewCo Yang Shen Cha


7 Breakthroughs of NewCo Yan Sheng Cha

1.  A breakthrough against the theory of traditional Chinese medicine to strengthen yang through occasional supplementation, verifying that kidney health is achieved by long-term maintenance.

2.  The most easiest way for invigorating the kidneys- just drink NewCo Yang Shen Cha!

3.  While being the first herbal kidney tea introduced into the American market, NewCo Yang Shen Cha is also exported to Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, the Middle East, South Africa and other countries. The product is known as "Kidney Care Expert" internationally!!

4.  Malaysia's first quality kidney support product suited for men and women.

5.  Malaysia's first green product invigorates the kidneys, providing a fundamental solution for all types of kidney diseases and health maintenance without any side effects.

6.  Incorporate and develop East Asian tea culture that has thousands years of history while introduce program of “Tea Diet” to nourish the kidneys and fortify the body. This herbal tea treatment has taken the world by storm.

7.  Apply the internationally latest cutting-edge technology of automated packaging production to retain complete active ingredients of natural herbal plants, promoting more comprehensive, effective and efficient absorption in the body.


NewCo Yang Shen Cha is a breakthrough in the traditional treatments of male impotence by tonifiying
the kidneys in 4 steps of nasty dissolution, removal of renal toxins, waste discharge and kidney
nourishment. Healthy kidneys are critical to men’s vitality and women’s beauty. Hence, NewCo Yang
Shen Cha is for both genders.

Malaysia NewCo Yang Shen Cha is not inferior to the American kidney dialysis machine

Dialysis machine, although fairly expensive, is quite popular among the rich in America. They are
aware that healthy kidneys contribute to less disease, anti-aging and longevity. NewCo Yang Shen
Cha detoxifies and nourishes the kidneys naturally without any side effects and adverse reactions.
That is why the kidney tea is such popular in America.

NewCo Yang Shen Cha, which is made from several green plants, has been studied in terms of safety, toxicology,stability and hygiene inspection. Its quality and specification comply with international standards. Moreover, long-term consumption of the product has been clinically proven and safe.


Cat's Whiskers or misai kucing in malay, popularly known as kidney support plant, is found in the
islands of Southeast Asia, Malaysia and other countries. Cat’s Whiskers is a shade- tolerant plant that
prefers to grow in a warm and humid climate of 20-30˚C. A total of 5 types of Cat’s Whiskers are found
around the world where Malaysia is one of the countries cultivated the most.

In the middle of the last century, medical experts found that the locals of all ages in Malacca of Malaysia
were healthy and full of energy. They rarely got sick and had a much longer lifespan than those in
other regions. In local hospitals, there were few kidney specialists due to scarcely any kidney patients,
which puzzled the medical experts. This attracted medical researchers of different countries to
conduct in-depth studies in the region.

Finally, it was found that the Cat’s Whiskers was popularly consumed as herbal tea among the locals
due to its easy availability. According to studies, the plant is rich in calcium sulphate, unknown organic
acids of calcium and potassium salt, volatile oil, saponin, aldohexose sugar, glyoxylic acid, mesoinositol,
acids, flavanoids, α-Amyrin , β-sitosterol and daucosterol. Cat’s Whiskers possesses diuretic,
detoxifying and anti-inflammatory properties that help cleanse the liver and nourish the lungs.
Moreover, it is also able to remove heat and dampness. As a medicinal plant, Cat’s Whiskers has been
applied to acute and chronic nephritis, cystitis, prostatitis, urinary tract infection, urolithiasis, rheumatoid
arthritis and so on.

Publication of the findings immediately attracted international attention as well as those countries with
suitable climate to import Cat’s Whiskers for cultivation. Nevertheless, the plant does not grow well in
certain countries. For climate reason, the Cat’s Whiskers cultivated in the Southern China contains
low content of active ingredients.

Through government support, Malaysian Society of Nephrology conducted more in-depth studies on
Cat’s Whiskers and combined the single ingredient with several other herbs, which are guava leaf,
plantago major, alfalfa, green tea leaf and stevia with scientific consideration of their compatibility. The
new formulation provides enhanced efficacy and more health benefits for broader consumer group.

This has attracted attention of the Malaysian government, which then encourages the local farmers to
plant those herbs. Once the product was introduced, it immediately took Malaysia and Western
countries by storm. The product has become a substitute for the costly dialysis machine, providing the
public a safer, more effective and green natural alternative to cleanse and nourish the kidneys

Under government support, TST Bioceutical Sdn Bhd jointly introduced “Malaysia Kidney Tea” with
international biotechnology companies from China, Taiwan, Singapore and Japan. The product is also
recognized and supported by well known traditional Chinese medicine professors around the world.
The kidney tea is promoted comprehensively with a hope for all people to enjoy the magical effect of
the quality product.



  • Those suffering from acute and chronic nephritis, prostatitis, cystitis, urinary tract infections, hair loss, gout, renal
  • edema and uremia for cleansing and invigorating the kidneys.
  • Those suffering from urinary bladder inflammation, poor urinary stream, urinary tract infection and cystitis.
  • Increasing renal blood flow, regulating adrenal hormones and promoting renal recovery in the diabetics.
  • Those with voiding dysfunction e.g. frequent urination, urinary urgency, dysuria, urinary endless, bladder
  • weakness, urinary wait, abnormal smell and/or color of the urine & proteinuria.
  • Stone forming patients e.g. kidney stones, bladder stones, urinary stones & ureteral stones.
  • Those suffering from diseases caused by renal failure e.g. soreness and pain of the waist and knees, fatigue,
  • amnesia, tinnitus, insomnia, dry and bitter mouth, mouth with urine smell, endocrine disorders & sexual dysfunction.
  • Those with excessive toxins in the body e.g. constipation, bad breath, insomnia, high blood lipids and blood
  • pressure; facial dark spots, acne, age pigment, rough skin, itching etc.
  • Those who are sub-healthy and desire for kidney, bladder and urinary health through regular kidney detox and
  • urinary tract cleansing.

[Indication]:Traditionally used for general health.

[Ingredients]:Folium Orthosiphon aristatus,folium Psidium guajava,herba Plantago major,herba Medicago sativa,green tea,radix Glycyrrhiza glabra,folium Mori,stevia leaf,folium llex paraguariensis and folium Aspalathus linearis.

[Dosage]: 1 or 2 tea bag(s) per day.

[Preparation]:Pour boiled water into a cup over 1 or 2 tea bag(s) & allow the tea to steep for 15 minutes before drinking.The same tea bag can be used for several servings.

[Price]:RM59.90( 15 tea bags X 2g)

No colouring,preservatives or chemicals.

                              Choose The Best Kidney Tea